Anatomy of a 'Creative' - Chapter One

Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ – Chapter One

U nderstanding ‘Creative Anatomy’ is an essential power tool for anybody interested in filling their life with the restorative powers of resonant bliss: The supercharged connection/s between you and your world. To “Know Thyself” (gnothi seauton) is an incredible joy, and creative anatomy is a primary ‘Knowing‘ tool that speaks to the bones that support your consciousness, and frame your dynamic movement in & through life. It is also your personal Rosetta Stone, translating the impossible complexity of life into a DIY, with a practical set of instructions on how to show up with confidence!

When I hear the old saying, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” I sincerely get it. All the paths we take and choices we make, become the roadmap of our lives. But they don’t define us. We are so much more than biography, and the most sublime joys of life can be easily found in the peak experiences that reveal our inner selves.

So let’s get this show on the road with a little personal story that will provide you with a ‘slider’ sized map of my anatomical journey from film lover – to film maker, which you can apply to everything you love to do… Continue reading “Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ – Chapter One”

Your Creative Gravity and how to hack it!

Your Creative Gravity – and how to hack it!

T his article is part thought experiment and part DIY on the sublime joys of Creative Gravity. It’s also a primer in increasing your daily share of happiness, and how to hack it. So if your creative juices are dry, or they’re already flowing, but not as fast as you’d like, I’m going to show you how to crank the sluice gates of your imagination wide open and let de-light rush in.

Let’s get started by answering your first question: What is my Creative Gravity, and why do I need to hack it? The words, creative & gravity, already have very specific meanings to you, but I want you to drop that baggage off at the curb, and re-define creativity as: The act of rubbing two or more ideas together to create action. This means every action you take is creative, and if you judge it any other way, you’re selling its magical ability to transform your life, short. Next, gravity: The attractive force of re-actions that your creative actions receive from your fellow human beings. Continue reading “Your Creative Gravity – and how to hack it!”