What's in a Story

What’s in a Story?

A hhh story. Like most of us, I grew up thinking stories were what you read or watched, and thought of them as entertainment, a fun way to pass the time. As the only child of ‘busy’ adults, I devoured them and developed an urge to scribble my own, without realizing – until much later – that my creative muse was giving me a tool to know myself, and with that knowing, decipher the story of everything.

E verywhere you look, corporate story engines are influencing billions of people and raking in trillions of dollars in the process; crowding our devices like an aggressive gaggle of garrulous Carny Hawkers desperate to sell us everything from toothpaste, to ideology, to hookups. My goal here is  to play through all that noise, and help you understand & master the universal ‘What’s’ in every story – because these ‘What’s,’ are at the heart of your own high-powered story engine.

Continue reading “What’s in a Story?”

Your Creative Gravity and how to hack it!

Your Creative Gravity – and how to hack it!

T his article is part thought experiment and part DIY on the sublime joys of Creative Gravity. It’s also a primer in increasing your daily share of happiness, and how to hack it. So if your creative juices are dry, or they’re already flowing, but not as fast as you’d like, I’m going to show you how to crank the sluice gates of your imagination wide open and let de-light rush in.

Let’s get started by answering your first question: What is my Creative Gravity, and why do I need to hack it? The words, creative & gravity, already have very specific meanings to you, but I want you to drop that baggage off at the curb, and re-define creativity as: The act of rubbing two or more ideas together to create action. This means every action you take is creative, and if you judge it any other way, you’re selling its magical ability to transform your life, short. Next, gravity: The attractive force of re-actions that your creative actions receive from your fellow human beings. Continue reading “Your Creative Gravity – and how to hack it!”