“The Power of Story”

T hese posts are about the creative process and the emotional, spiritual and intellectual journey that we undertake when we choose to face the empty page or screen, and commit to the telling. All creatives are explorers in this great human wilderness, and I was hip deep in that big muddy searching for a key to unlock the deeper mysteries, when these words popped into my head: ‘Story is Action – Action is Story.’ I know a key when I see it, so let’s clear our minds and start opening up locks.

S tory is who we are, and action is what we do, they are the ‘Yin and Yang’ of human existence. Story is the creative principle = the cosmic egg; and action is the active principle = the fertile motion, that gives birth to you, me, and even more stories. This magnificent ouroborical helix contains the DNA of thought and experience, and shines with the uniquely personal themes that reflect our beliefs, history, and purpose.

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“Quiet Power”

I  just finished the first draft of a TV Pilot, and while I was pounding away; focusing on the flow and tuning out the cacophony of weekly horrors; I became obsessed with the idea of ‘Quiet Power’ (QP). It started when one of my characters whispered directly to me: ‘Quiet Power builds unity, Raw Power destroys trust. One is a celebration of life, the other a glorification of death.’ Which lead me to the sublime thought at the heart of this post, that we are all immensely powerful beings.

T his week we’re going to ‘feel the power,’ explore how we use it, and discuss the ‘types’ of power and how they work through us to ‘Drive the Green Fuse‘ as Dylan Thomas brilliantly put it. So let’s empty our minds of any preconceived notions, and hit the switch – it’s time to power on!

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What's in a Story

What’s in a Story?

A hhh story. Like most of us, I grew up thinking stories were what you read or watched, and thought of them as entertainment, a fun way to pass the time. As the only child of ‘busy’ adults, I devoured them and developed an urge to scribble my own, without realizing – until much later – that my creative muse was giving me a tool to know myself, and with that knowing, decipher the story of everything.

E verywhere you look, corporate story engines are influencing billions of people and raking in trillions of dollars in the process; crowding our devices like an aggressive gaggle of garrulous Carny Hawkers desperate to sell us everything from toothpaste, to ideology, to hookups. My goal here is  to play through all that noise, and help you understand & master the universal ‘What’s’ in every story – because these ‘What’s,’ are at the heart of your own high-powered story engine.

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Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ – Chapter Two

I was waiting for the Solar Eclipse to remind us of the celestial mechanics that drive the universe, when my creative sensors lit up and suggested that I jump back into my Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ Series. If you read ‘Anatomy of a ‘Creative’- Chapter 1′, you know that I believe everybody is a ‘Creative,’ and that creativity works through us to power everything we are and do, so welcome to Chapter Two: Your ‘Creative’ Legs: What you ‘Stand On,’ ‘Stand For,’ and the strength of your ‘Standing.’

Standing is Essential – Physically, it keeps you fit; emotionally, it keeps you strong; intellectually, it gives you perspective; and spiritually, it represents your connection to you earthly journey. And when you choose to stand, you set the wheels of creativity in motion, and make magic happen.

I ‘ve mentioned a few of the amazing folks, from Norman Lear to Ray Bradbury, et al. that I’ve ‘Stood With’ over the years, and it’s through their example that I learned what ‘Standing Up’ is all about. Throughout the long arc of their lives they developed a profound understanding that their ‘Standing’ in the world depended on how much positive creativity they shared with us; how committed they were to ‘Standing For’ the people, places, causes & beliefs that underpinned their beliefs & vision; and how solid their ‘Standing On’ reflected the collective power of our shared creative purpose.

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Anatomy of a 'Creative' - Chapter One

Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ – Chapter One

U nderstanding ‘Creative Anatomy’ is an essential power tool for anybody interested in filling their life with the restorative powers of resonant bliss: The supercharged connection/s between you and your world. To “Know Thyself” (gnothi seauton) is an incredible joy, and creative anatomy is a primary ‘Knowing‘ tool that speaks to the bones that support your consciousness, and frame your dynamic movement in & through life. It is also your personal Rosetta Stone, translating the impossible complexity of life into a DIY, with a practical set of instructions on how to show up with confidence!

When I hear the old saying, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” I sincerely get it. All the paths we take and choices we make, become the roadmap of our lives. But they don’t define us. We are so much more than biography, and the most sublime joys of life can be easily found in the peak experiences that reveal our inner selves.

So let’s get this show on the road with a little personal story that will provide you with a ‘slider’ sized map of my anatomical journey from film lover – to film maker, which you can apply to everything you love to do… Continue reading “Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ – Chapter One”