“Quiet Power”

I  just finished the first draft of a TV Pilot, and while I was pounding away; focusing on the flow and tuning out the cacophony of weekly horrors; I became obsessed with the idea of ‘Quiet Power’ (QP). It started when one of my characters whispered directly to me: ‘Quiet Power builds unity, Raw Power destroys trust. One is a celebration of life, the other a glorification of death.’ Which lead me to the sublime thought at the heart of this post, that we are all immensely powerful beings.

T his week we’re going to ‘feel the power,’ explore how we use it, and discuss the ‘types’ of power and how they work through us to ‘Drive the Green Fuse‘ as Dylan Thomas brilliantly put it. So let’s empty our minds of any preconceived notions, and hit the switch – it’s time to power on!

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Be Magnificently Simple!

S implicity is the essential state of all Beings, so it’s no wonder that it’s popular, especially now when our lives are constantly drenched in a tsunami of stuff. And I don’t just mean all the ‘Thing Stuff,’ that’s only a reflection of our interior state; I mean the ‘Thought Stuff’ that clouds our minds, and blocks our ability to directly experience the world. Most of the advice we get involves shedding physical stuff to live a simpler life, it’s helpful, but misses the mark. Simplicity is not about having too much stuff – simplicity is about ‘Being,’ and being is about connection.

M agnificent Simplicity is the awe inspiring creative framework of our existence, and my peaceful battlecry, ‘Be Simple,’ reflects the most important path to power that I can share with you. The ‘Be’ is Being: Your essential ground of existence; and ‘Simple’ is the process of staying connected to that Being, so to be Magnificently Simple – is to Simply, Be.

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