“The Power of Story”

T hese posts are about the creative process and the emotional, spiritual and intellectual journey that we undertake when we choose to face the empty page or screen, and commit to the telling. All creatives are explorers in this great human wilderness, and I was hip deep in that big muddy searching for a key to unlock the deeper mysteries, when these words popped into my head: ‘Story is Action – Action is Story.’ I know a key when I see it, so let’s clear our minds and start opening up locks.

S tory is who we are, and action is what we do, they are the ‘Yin and Yang’ of human existence. Story is the creative principle = the cosmic egg; and action is the active principle = the fertile motion, that gives birth to you, me, and even more stories. This magnificent ouroborical helix contains the DNA of thought and experience, and shines with the uniquely personal themes that reflect our beliefs, history, and purpose.

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“Thinking Big!”

I ‘ve been Thinking Big lately, pondering the why’s & wherefores of ‘Visioneering,’ and diving deep into how ‘The Intuitive Art of Creative Resonance’ transforms our quicksilver mentality into fabulous reality. I admit to being a serial visioneer, and when I’m on a roll I can riff on anything, because the flow of creative energy connects me to the intoxicating Universe of Possibility (the UP), where all ideas reside. So in that spirit of creative play, I’m going to take you on a Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride into the UP, where we’ll map the territory and create a DIY, so you can joyfully engineer any Vision that your heart desires.

V isioneering is the process of building a creative vision from the initial spark of an idea, to it’s fully realized completion. It’s at the heart of every business, craft, or endeavor that humanity engages in, and provides a thrilling magnetic framework that inspires VC’s, execs, co-workers, or supporters to help us transform our ‘Big Picture’ into ‘Big Reality.’

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