“The Magnificent”

I just love the word, ‘Magnificent.’ Say it, and listen as it tumbles through the air like an Olympic acrobat and sticks a landing in your consciousness. I once attended a workshop on breaking through your emotional blocks to live a more fulfilling life, and the facilitator asked us to hold the ‘possibility’ of living a magnificent life in the forefront of our minds. Then he asked us to picture what that ‘magnificence’ looked like. At first I thought about the usual stuff – nice house, loving family, successful work – and then I started seeing the faces of all the amazing role models I’ve known, and realized that Magnificence isn’t about what you have, it’s about who you are.

“Magnificence is The Starry Night of your indomitable spirit, the swirling baseline of your miraculous consciousness, and the luminous sky of your creative potential. You, my friend, are The Magnificent!”

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What's in a Story

What’s in a Story?

A hhh story. Like most of us, I grew up thinking stories were what you read or watched, and thought of them as entertainment, a fun way to pass the time. As the only child of ‘busy’ adults, I devoured them and developed an urge to scribble my own, without realizing – until much later – that my creative muse was giving me a tool to know myself, and with that knowing, decipher the story of everything.

E verywhere you look, corporate story engines are influencing billions of people and raking in trillions of dollars in the process; crowding our devices like an aggressive gaggle of garrulous Carny Hawkers desperate to sell us everything from toothpaste, to ideology, to hookups. My goal here is  to play through all that noise, and help you understand & master the universal ‘What’s’ in every story – because these ‘What’s,’ are at the heart of your own high-powered story engine.

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Your ‘Fierce’ Perception – An Owner’s Manual

S eeing is perceiving; seeing is believing; seeing is knowing. You show up, stay present, open your eyes, engage your senses, and let the reality in front of you soak in, as you allow sight, sound, smell, taste & touch feed you all the data you need to fully engage with the world. But are you absolutely convinced of the completeness of the reality that you’re perceiving? And how does your ‘Fierce’ Perception (FP) fit in?!

The word fierce is from the old French fiers: ‘Fierce, brave, proud’, and from the Latin ferus: ‘Untamed.’ So your ‘Fierce’ Perception is the courageous, perceptual engine of your untamed consciousness. Why is it courageous? Keep reading my friend, because drama is anticipation, mingled with uncertainty!

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