“Shining Through”

F ilm is a magical technology, an alchemical play of light and shadow that shapes pure light into story, and I can’t think of a better metaphor for how our creative spirit ‘Shines Through’ our actions. So in the interest of illuminating your creative flow, and distracting me from the TV pilot I’m writing, we’re jumping from ‘Wild Work,‘ to the art of ‘Shining Through.’

W hy ‘Shine Through’ and not just Shine? Well, to Shine, is our natural state of Being, the old ‘I am what I am. ‘Shining Through’ is a Process, a way to free your Genius from the cloudy restrictions that psychological conditioning uses to obscure your brilliance.

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“Shining Through” p2

H ave you ever had the experience of passing a mirror and catching a glimpse of yourself that feels different? You take a few steps, then stop, as that still, small voice whispers ‘go back,’ and when you do, you see something new ‘Shining Through.‘ You stare at the image and take it all in – then suddenly hear yourself asking ‘Who is this person?’

T he passionate light of our presence is constantly revealing new facets that can catch you off guard; times when your mind has to catch up with your creative spirit to really ‘see’ the deeper, more connected, you. That was my experience after writing last week’s post, so this week we’re looking right into the shine – no special glasses needed – to explore the facets that shape the brilliant diamond of our true reflection.

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