“Words of Power”

T his morning I woke up and was suddenly struck dumb as an incredible feeling of grace flooded my body. I thought about my family and friends; my work in films, television, education & media; and even my work on these posts, as I attempted to find the source of this amazing energy. Then the epiphany burst out of me like a shower of shredded text: That every every word I think, speak, and write is a Word of Power.

G race is tool of enlightenment, a ‘Spirit Pop’ that your deep self deploys to put you in sync with the universe. Why? So you can access all the knowledge & wisdom you need to live your life to the fullest. This morning’s graceful nudge was an invitation to seek our hidden Words of Power; share their stories with you; and inspire you to engage in a little powerful wordplay of your own.

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Be Magnificently Simple!

S implicity is the essential state of all Beings, so it’s no wonder that it’s popular, especially now when our lives are constantly drenched in a tsunami of stuff. And I don’t just mean all the ‘Thing Stuff,’ that’s only a reflection of our interior state; I mean the ‘Thought Stuff’ that clouds our minds, and blocks our ability to directly experience the world. Most of the advice we get involves shedding physical stuff to live a simpler life, it’s helpful, but misses the mark. Simplicity is not about having too much stuff – simplicity is about ‘Being,’ and being is about connection.

M agnificent Simplicity is the awe inspiring creative framework of our existence, and my peaceful battlecry, ‘Be Simple,’ reflects the most important path to power that I can share with you. The ‘Be’ is Being: Your essential ground of existence; and ‘Simple’ is the process of staying connected to that Being, so to be Magnificently Simple – is to Simply, Be.

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Creative Gravity 2

Creative Gravity 2 – Fearless Imagination Unleashed!

I t’s time for another Creativity upgrade my fellow Imagineers. I realized this while I was fine tuning and expanding ‘The Ultimate Writer’s* Toolkit’ and hit several Power Links, that pivoted my Attention to one of my favorite Creative Gravitation Tools: Fearless Imagination.

Are you currently – or have ever been – stumped for Ideas, or experienced a drop in your ‘Creative’ output? If you said ‘Yes’ to either one, you are suffering from a ‘weak’ Creative Gravitational link to Fearless Imagination. Why do I use ‘Fearless’ Imagination, instead of ‘your’ or ‘the’ Imagination? Because ‘Fearless’ is what true Imagination is; and it will produce amazing Ideas for you to play with, if you are courageous enough to step past your ‘Fears,’ and empty your mind to it’s loving embrace. Continue reading “Creative Gravity 2 – Fearless Imagination Unleashed!”

The Ultimate Writer’s* Toolkit – Chapter 2

W elcome back scribblers! I’m in between drafts, and was inspired to jump into The UWT C2 while the perspiration & inspiration are fresh. I just had a call with a dear friend and I marveled at her tenacity, and willingness to move past the ‘E’ and into the ‘CC’ – the ‘E’ being Ego, and the ‘CC’ Connected Creativity. If you’ve been perusing my posts, you may be growing weary of hearing me expound on the many juicy delights of getting out of your own way, so I decided to go really, really big, and show you how to re-purpose ego by using ‘Presence’ to expand your Ultimate Scribbler’s Toolkit!

B ut Scott! You just said we have to move past the ‘E,’ absolutely correct! But moving past it, doesn’t mean that it evaporates like a bad dream. Ego, when applied properly, is a scribbler’s delight. How? Well, I hate to annoy the enlightened souls out there, but stripping the world of ego, also strips it of conflict, and conflict my dear scribblers, is the lifeblood of all fiction. Without it we would sit around the maypole in blissful satiety, singing ‘Kumbaya’ ’till the cows came home. So today we’re going to put ego in it’s proper place and practice using it the way it was intended, to help us build powerful stories.

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Action = Your Creativity in Motion

S ince we covered Your ‘Fierce’ Perception, the next logical step is to discuss Action = Your Creativity in Motion. I’m racing to meet another deadline, but I just had to take a moment to share my thoughts with you while they’re fresh from the imaginal tree.

If you read ‘Your Creative Gravity – and how to hack it’ you already know that creativity is the act of rubbing two or more ideas together to create Action; now I want to connect and expand on that by adding ‘Your ‘Fierce’ Perception’ (FP) to the mix. Your FP starts the ball rolling by placing your attention on the Big Picture. When you follow the electric pull of the most emotionally charged of your perceptions, you’re moving toward dazzling creative opportunity. Continue reading “Action = Your Creativity in Motion”

Your ‘Fierce’ Perception – An Owner’s Manual

S eeing is perceiving; seeing is believing; seeing is knowing. You show up, stay present, open your eyes, engage your senses, and let the reality in front of you soak in, as you allow sight, sound, smell, taste & touch feed you all the data you need to fully engage with the world. But are you absolutely convinced of the completeness of the reality that you’re perceiving? And how does your ‘Fierce’ Perception (FP) fit in?!

The word fierce is from the old French fiers: ‘Fierce, brave, proud’, and from the Latin ferus: ‘Untamed.’ So your ‘Fierce’ Perception is the courageous, perceptual engine of your untamed consciousness. Why is it courageous? Keep reading my friend, because drama is anticipation, mingled with uncertainty!

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