“Shining Through”

F ilm is a magical technology, an alchemical play of light and shadow that shapes pure light into story, and I can’t think of a better metaphor for how our creative spirit ‘Shines Through’ our actions. So in the interest of illuminating your creative flow, and distracting me from the TV pilot I’m writing, we’re jumping from ‘Wild Work,‘ to the art of ‘Shining Through.’

W hy ‘Shine Through’ and not just Shine? Well, to Shine, is our natural state of Being, the old ‘I am what I am. ‘Shining Through’ is a Process, a way to free your Genius from the cloudy restrictions that psychological conditioning uses to obscure your brilliance.

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“Thinking Big!”

I ‘ve been Thinking Big lately, pondering the why’s & wherefores of ‘Visioneering,’ and diving deep into how ‘The Intuitive Art of Creative Resonance’ transforms our quicksilver mentality into fabulous reality. I admit to being a serial visioneer, and when I’m on a roll I can riff on anything, because the flow of creative energy connects me to the intoxicating Universe of Possibility (the UP), where all ideas reside. So in that spirit of creative play, I’m going to take you on a Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride into the UP, where we’ll map the territory and create a DIY, so you can joyfully engineer any Vision that your heart desires.

V isioneering is the process of building a creative vision from the initial spark of an idea, to it’s fully realized completion. It’s at the heart of every business, craft, or endeavor that humanity engages in, and provides a thrilling magnetic framework that inspires VC’s, execs, co-workers, or supporters to help us transform our ‘Big Picture’ into ‘Big Reality.’

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“The Magnificent”

I just love the word, ‘Magnificent.’ Say it, and listen as it tumbles through the air like an Olympic acrobat and sticks a landing in your consciousness. I once attended a workshop on breaking through your emotional blocks to live a more fulfilling life, and the facilitator asked us to hold the ‘possibility’ of living a magnificent life in the forefront of our minds. Then he asked us to picture what that ‘magnificence’ looked like. At first I thought about the usual stuff – nice house, loving family, successful work – and then I started seeing the faces of all the amazing role models I’ve known, and realized that Magnificence isn’t about what you have, it’s about who you are.

“Magnificence is The Starry Night of your indomitable spirit, the swirling baseline of your miraculous consciousness, and the luminous sky of your creative potential. You, my friend, are The Magnificent!”

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“Words of Power”

T his morning I woke up and was suddenly struck dumb as an incredible feeling of grace flooded my body. I thought about my family and friends; my work in films, television, education & media; and even my work on these posts, as I attempted to find the source of this amazing energy. Then the epiphany burst out of me like a shower of shredded text: That every every word I think, speak, and write is a Word of Power.

G race is tool of enlightenment, a ‘Spirit Pop’ that your deep self deploys to put you in sync with the universe. Why? So you can access all the knowledge & wisdom you need to live your life to the fullest. This morning’s graceful nudge was an invitation to seek our hidden Words of Power; share their stories with you; and inspire you to engage in a little powerful wordplay of your own.

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Anatomy of a 'Creative' - Chapter One

Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ – Chapter One

U nderstanding ‘Creative Anatomy’ is an essential power tool for anybody interested in filling their life with the restorative powers of resonant bliss: The supercharged connection/s between you and your world. To “Know Thyself” (gnothi seauton) is an incredible joy, and creative anatomy is a primary ‘Knowing‘ tool that speaks to the bones that support your consciousness, and frame your dynamic movement in & through life. It is also your personal Rosetta Stone, translating the impossible complexity of life into a DIY, with a practical set of instructions on how to show up with confidence!

When I hear the old saying, “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” I sincerely get it. All the paths we take and choices we make, become the roadmap of our lives. But they don’t define us. We are so much more than biography, and the most sublime joys of life can be easily found in the peak experiences that reveal our inner selves.

So let’s get this show on the road with a little personal story that will provide you with a ‘slider’ sized map of my anatomical journey from film lover – to film maker, which you can apply to everything you love to do… Continue reading “Anatomy of a ‘Creative’ – Chapter One”