“Shining Through”

F ilm is a magical technology, an alchemical play of light and shadow that shapes pure light into story, and I can’t think of a better metaphor for how our creative spirit ‘Shines Through’ our actions. So in the interest of illuminating your creative flow, and distracting me from the TV pilot I’m writing, we’re jumping from ‘Wild Work,‘ to the art of ‘Shining Through.’

W hy ‘Shine Through’ and not just Shine? Well, to Shine, is our natural state of Being, the old ‘I am what I am. ‘Shining Through’ is a Process, a way to free your Genius from the cloudy restrictions that psychological conditioning uses to obscure your brilliance.

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“The Power of Story”

T hese posts are about the creative process and the emotional, spiritual and intellectual journey that we undertake when we choose to face the empty page or screen, and commit to the telling. All creatives are explorers in this great human wilderness, and I was hip deep in that big muddy searching for a key to unlock the deeper mysteries, when these words popped into my head: ‘Story is Action – Action is Story.’ I know a key when I see it, so let’s clear our minds and start opening up locks.

S tory is who we are, and action is what we do, they are the ‘Yin and Yang’ of human existence. Story is the creative principle = the cosmic egg; and action is the active principle = the fertile motion, that gives birth to you, me, and even more stories. This magnificent ouroborical helix contains the DNA of thought and experience, and shines with the uniquely personal themes that reflect our beliefs, history, and purpose.

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“The Biz 4.0”

I ‘ve shared the fact that I’m a film brat who grew up in a working family of ‘Golden Age’ Movie & TV professionals, with experience that reached back to the Silent Film era. As part of my work-life education they connected me to a wildly diverse pool of performers, technicians and business pros who opened my eyes to how the entertainment business works. So this week I thought I’d take a moment to look back, and forward, and unpack the glittering modern media circus that I call: “The Biz 4.0.”

T his post is going to be a little Thought Experiment where I peer into the mists of time to see if I can pluck out a few futuristic gems for us to examine. My goal is to look at this brave new world full of screens, and find the uniquely human threads that link past to present, and present to future. So keep reading and enjoy the show!

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“The Art of Re-Invention”

I f you’ve been perusing these posts you may have noticed that I’ve been busy exploring creativity, power, memory and story, and now that I have a moment to pause between pilot drafts, I thought I’d tackle “The Art of Re-Invention.” So let me play Virgil to your Dante, as we wing our way from Inferno to Paradiso, and re-boot how to look at Re-Invention.

W hy ‘Re-Invention’ and not just ‘reinvention?’ Because reinvention is a craft, a gradual process that shapes identity by adding and subtracting all the day to day influences received from family, friends, co-workers, and the media that we consume. But Re-Invention is an Art, because it is a psychological & spiritual process that requires our complete attention and focus on the essential beliefs that drive us; and a commitment to alter any belief that blocks the free flow of our creative expression & will.

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“Thinking Big!”

I ‘ve been Thinking Big lately, pondering the why’s & wherefores of ‘Visioneering,’ and diving deep into how ‘The Intuitive Art of Creative Resonance’ transforms our quicksilver mentality into fabulous reality. I admit to being a serial visioneer, and when I’m on a roll I can riff on anything, because the flow of creative energy connects me to the intoxicating Universe of Possibility (the UP), where all ideas reside. So in that spirit of creative play, I’m going to take you on a Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride into the UP, where we’ll map the territory and create a DIY, so you can joyfully engineer any Vision that your heart desires.

V isioneering is the process of building a creative vision from the initial spark of an idea, to it’s fully realized completion. It’s at the heart of every business, craft, or endeavor that humanity engages in, and provides a thrilling magnetic framework that inspires VC’s, execs, co-workers, or supporters to help us transform our ‘Big Picture’ into ‘Big Reality.’

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“The Magnificent”

I just love the word, ‘Magnificent.’ Say it, and listen as it tumbles through the air like an Olympic acrobat and sticks a landing in your consciousness. I once attended a workshop on breaking through your emotional blocks to live a more fulfilling life, and the facilitator asked us to hold the ‘possibility’ of living a magnificent life in the forefront of our minds. Then he asked us to picture what that ‘magnificence’ looked like. At first I thought about the usual stuff – nice house, loving family, successful work – and then I started seeing the faces of all the amazing role models I’ve known, and realized that Magnificence isn’t about what you have, it’s about who you are.

“Magnificence is The Starry Night of your indomitable spirit, the swirling baseline of your miraculous consciousness, and the luminous sky of your creative potential. You, my friend, are The Magnificent!”

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“Shining Through” p2

H ave you ever had the experience of passing a mirror and catching a glimpse of yourself that feels different? You take a few steps, then stop, as that still, small voice whispers ‘go back,’ and when you do, you see something new ‘Shining Through.‘ You stare at the image and take it all in – then suddenly hear yourself asking ‘Who is this person?’

T he passionate light of our presence is constantly revealing new facets that can catch you off guard; times when your mind has to catch up with your creative spirit to really ‘see’ the deeper, more connected, you. That was my experience after writing last week’s post, so this week we’re looking right into the shine – no special glasses needed – to explore the facets that shape the brilliant diamond of our true reflection.

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“Wild Work” – Your Purposeful Bliss in Action

W e wake up every day with a singular question roaming our consciousness: ‘What’s next?’ No matter how stoic our outlook, no matter how set in stone our daily routine, we thrill to the call of the unknown. Then an image, or idea pops into our head, the room fills with the crackling ozone of anticipation, and ready or not, we  jump in – activating a dizzying stream of synchronicity, serendipity and deep collaboration. This my friend, is ‘Wild Work’ – Your Purposeful Bliss in Action.

M any of these posts have been dedicated to helping you to reach this point; to fully inhabit the place where your creativity takes charge of imagination, and creates possibility. The next stage is fully stepping into that possibility and guiding it into reality. You are the architect & builder of Your reality, and this is the ‘Wild Work’ that you’re here to accomplish.

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I thought ‘WorldPlay’ would complete the ‘Mystery Train’ of thought that’s been powering the last two posts, but this week there’s a tunnel ahead, and within it’s sheltering darkness there are deeply personal truths waiting for us to discover. What do these truths say about us? And what secrets do they hold? This is where ‘ShadowPlay’ comes in, to teach us the Art of Playing in Shadow.

D esire is a series of psychic signs that burn with unrequited longing, and guide us toward the people, places, or ideas that reveal the shadow side of our identity. It’s also a warning: ‘Danger: Minefield;’ and an invitation: ‘Enter Here.’ When we choose to walk this path, we trip the emotional and psychological mines that contain the explosive truths about ourselves; and if we feel our way through them, they flense our illusions, and give us the wisdom & courage to reclaim our power.

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L ast week’s post started with a cup of dark roast, and a steaming “Mystery Train”; and this week I’m jumping back in to unpack the concept of ‘Play’. If you’ve read my ‘Be Magnificently Simple‘ post, you know I see emotion as the body’s way of signaling us that there’s ‘digging to be done & treasure to be found,’ so I’m honoring that urge by re-entering the great big creative Sandbox for some well deserved ‘WorldPlay: The Art of Playing Yourself,’ a playful spinoff of last week’s “Mystery Train.”

Y ou’ve probably guessed by now that I love playing in all kinds of Sandboxes, and basking in the imaginative freedom they offer. I even like the feel of the grains of memory & experience stuck between my toes, because they remind me that every human canvas needs a little grit to give it depth and resilience. But the best thing about Sandboxes is that they’re everywhere you look, and if you’re playing yourself’ like a Pro, you’re creating Sandboxes at home, work, and everywhere you go: That’s the essence of WorldPlay.

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